

Creating A Happy Appy Song

by Matt Long

App developers need ways to promote their apps and audio and video provide a way to do that. At a recent iOS developer camp in Colorado I gave a talk in which I demonstrated some ways developers can create their own creative content like audio and video in-house. In one segment I demonstrated a technique that I refer to as creating a Happy Appy Song. What is it, you ask. You’ve heard it. It’s a happy sounding fanciful tune that plays in the background as some narrator describes the wonders and benefits of an app (or other product for that matter). The basic premise of the happy appy song is that, first of all, it’s easy to create, but second there’s a simple formula. Here is all you need:

1. A happy chord progression in a major key
2. A simple drumbeat
3. A glockenspiel sound

And now I present to you, Creating a Happy Appy Song

[ylwm_vimeo height=”400″ width=”600″]66576979[/ylwm_vimeo]