Monthly Archives: October 2014


Protocols in Swift With Core Data

by Matt Long

Sometimes you have a set of objects you want to display in the same form–say, for example, in a table view controller. What if those objects have, by design, nothing in common and nothing to do with each other? This is a case where you can create and conform to a protocol–known in some languages as an interface–to provide a simple way to have each class type provide a display name that can be displayed in your table view controller.

Recently while using this language feature writing Swift code, I ran into a few snags and learned from the process. I figured I would document it in this screencast. It walks you all the way through from project creation, so it’s about 35 minutes.

Here’s what you will learn:

  • How to setup CoreData entities in the data model
  • How to add a run script action to build your managed object classes using mogenerator
  • How to create a protocol in Xcode 6
  • How to implement a protocol in the various managed object classes
  • How to preload your CoreData store with test objects in code
  • How to load each object type generically into a table view controller

And if you want to just cut to the chase, grab the code from github.

Protocols in Swift With Core Data from Skye Road Systems on Vimeo.